Leadership Perspectives: Exploring the Future with Our Managing Director

Leadership Perspectives: Exploring the Future with Our Managing Director

Leadership Perspectives: Exploring the Future with Our Managing Director

February  2025, Interview with Damien Field 

At MM-Eye, we pride ourselves on staying ahead of the curve—whether it’s adapting to new challenges, supporting our clients with meaningful insights, or fostering a culture that values curiosity and innovation. As we step into 2025, we sat down with our Managing Director to reflect on the past year, discuss the opportunities ahead, and explore how the market research industry is evolving.

  1. Looking back at 2024, what have our biggest strengths been and how can we build on these going forward?

The adaptability of our team; to respond to challenges, to devise new and better ways of delivering great insights, to go the extra mile to support our clients. We can build on these by believing in ourselves and the value we add and by continuing to communicate who we are, what we do and what makes us different.

  1. What positive change are you making this year? 

In 2024, I spent a lot of time undertaking qualitative, in-person fieldwork around the world. Something I have not done so much of since the pandemic. This involved meeting inspiring research participants, working with great local partners and spending time with clients. These times were not always plain sailing; we had challenges but worked together to overcome them; I’m looking to retain the positive energy this gave me by meeting more people and spending quality time in person with the people who matter to me.

  1. How do you envision the market research industry evolving over the next 2-3 years

2025 will be my 30th anniversary of working in this industry. Change happens more slowly than you’d expect, and many would hope.

Some of the changes I hope to see over the next 2-3 years are…

  • Improvements in online panel data quality driven by a concerted, industry-wide refusal to accept poor-quality data
  • A new and more diverse generation of senior leaders, continuing the ethos of what makes market research such a great industry to work in but also bringing fresh perspectives
  • Integration of AI into our working practices which add value – sometimes faster, sometimes cheaper, but always smarter
  1. What would be your dream research project to do this year?

I spent much of 2024 working on a dream project; helping a global brand reframe their customer understanding by taking a step outside of the narrow confines of their category.

My 2025 dream project would be to help a small scale UK business, founded with a positive change ethos, to move their business to the next level. I’d like to do this by providing them with market and customer insight that unlocks new audiences and routes to market for them

  1. What are the biggest challenges currently faced by the market research industry, and how do you believe companies can effectively address these challenges to stay competitive and relevant?
  • Attract, nurture and retain people with the right blend of skills to make a successful career in market research
  • How can companies address this? By having a clear purpose and identity, investing in their staff development, transparent internal communication, having positive momentum on the things that matter to people  – great clients, interesting projects, trailing new approaches, sharing in success, rewarding personal and collective progress

At MM-Eye, we believe in evolving with the industry while staying true to what makes us different—our people, our approach, and our commitment to delivering insights that truly make an impact. If you’d like to learn more about how we work and what drives us, contact us today at info@mm-eye.com or use the form below to book a consultation.

Katie’s Veganuary Diaries: A Month of Plant-Based Discoveries

Katie’s Veganuary Diaries: A Month of Plant-Based Discoveries

Katie’s Veganuary Diaries: A Month of Plant-Based Discoveries

January 2025, by Katie Brown

Here at MM-Eye, we like to live our values, and since Planet is one of our core pillars, I decided to take on a personal challenge—Veganuary! As a business, we’re always looking at ways to be more sustainable, and I wanted to see what it would be like to embrace a plant-based lifestyle for a whole month. Would it be easy? Definitely not. Would it be eye-opening? Absolutely!

What follows is my honest (and sometimes chaotic) journey through a snippet of my 31 days of plant-based living. From family sabotage attempts to unexpected wins, here’s how it all went…

Day 1 – A Rocky Start!

After a fun New Year’s celebration, I stumbled into the kitchen, craving a midnight snack. My go-to ham toastie was halfway to the grill when it hit me: Veganuary had officially begun! Gutted doesn’t even begin to cover it.

The first day was tough. My fridge is still stuffed with leftover chocolates and party food from the holidays—definitely not vegan-friendly. I quickly realised I hadn’t set myself up for success with proper research or a stocked plant-based pantry. Note to self: a shopping trip and some serious meal prep are essential before day two. If I’m going to make it through this month, I’ll need more than a plate of veg on my menu!

Stay tuned as I navigate the ups and downs of Veganuary. It’s going to be a learning curve, but I’m excited to give it my best shot.

Day 2 – Learning as I Go

Who knew honey isn’t vegan? I certainly didn’t! It’s made by living animals, which makes it a no-go for plant-based living. Clearly, I’ve got a lot to learn on this journey!

Day two felt a little more manageable. I ventured beyond just eating plain veg, which felt like a small victory. The real challenge came at dinner when the family had a roast complete with ham and pigs in blankets. Saying no wasn’t easy, but I stuck to my plan and enjoyed everything else alongside a lentil-stuffed pepper.

Surprisingly, apart from the tempting little piggies, I realised my favourite part of the meal might actually be the veggies! This experience is teaching me more than I expected—and I’m starting to see that plant-based living can be both challenging and rewarding.

Day 3 – Family Sabotage Attempt!

It didn’t take long for the family to try and throw a spanner in the works. My Veganuary journey has barely started, and already I’m hearing, “You can have a little bit of meat though, can’t you? No one else will know!” and “What crazy thing are you doing now?”

I have to admit, it was tempting to just give in to avoid the comments, but I stayed strong. I calmly reminded them that my decision to go plant-based isn’t about making their lives difficult—it’s about making a positive change for myself, and it won’t affect their dinners one bit!

This little test of willpower has made me even more determined to prove to myself (and maybe a little to them!) that I can do this. Bring on the rest of the month!

Day 4 – The Big Shop

My first big shopping trip as a vegan was eye-opening, to say the least! I’ve come to realise just how stuck in my ways I’ve been when it comes to cooking. I rarely try new recipes—I just stick to what I know.

As a busy working mum, being the only one in the house going vegan, I knew I needed to keep things simple and manageable. Luckily, healthy eating isn’t a big hurdle in our home—we’re already pretty good about that. To ease myself in, I focused on easy swaps: replacing mince with Quorn or beans, piling on plenty of fresh fruit and veg, stocking up on falafel, and, for those inevitable lazy days, treating myself to some plant-based bean burgers.

It feels like a small step, but I’m already learning how to make this transition work for me without overcomplicating life. Let’s see how these new ingredients hold up in the kitchen!

Day 6 – Missing Eggs

The last couple of days have gone really well! I’m starting to find my feet, and instead of dwelling on what I can’t eat, I’m actually enjoying exploring all the things I can eat. It’s been a refreshing shift in mindset—but there’s one thing I just can’t stop thinking about… EGGS!

Scrambled eggs, poached eggs, omelettes, and even the classic dippy egg with soldiers—oh, how I miss them! I’ve realised that, while I’m embracing so much of this plant-based journey and might even carry some of these habits forward, giving up eggs is going to be a deal-breaker for me.

Still, it’s all part of the experience, and for now, I’m giving it my best shot. Who knows? Maybe I’ll find a plant-based alternative that comes close… though I’m not holding my breath!

Day 8 – Dairy Confession

Time for a little confession: I might be finding this journey slightly easier than most because I’m lactose intolerant and don’t eat dairy. That said, for years I’ve been a bit selective about what I should or shouldn’t eat—often ignoring the consequences (trust me, you do not want to be around me after I’ve eaten cheesecake!).

This past week, I’ve gone all in and completely cut out dairy, even the occasional bit of chocolate (and yes, I do love chocolate). The surprising part…..or is it? I actually feel so much better for it!

What’s made this even easier is discovering how good the plant-based dessert options are. They might not help with the calorie count, but they definitely hit the spot when I’m craving a sweet treat. Life’s for living, after all! 😊

Day 11 – Out, But Not Out Out

It’s Saturday, and while Veganuary is in full swing, let me assure you—Dry January is not on my agenda. There are limits!!! Supposedly, not all alcohol is vegan, but I’ve decided to stay blissfully unaware for now and enjoy myself.

After a few drinks with the family celebrating my uncle’s birthday, the inevitable happened: talk turned to food. I’d been good all day, sticking to a healthy breakfast and avoiding the bar snacks, but now a takeaway was on the cards. Pizza was out (gave that up ages ago, me and cheese do not get on), so it was off to the kebab shop to see what vegan delights they might have on offer.

Spoiler: not much at all! Watching the staff scramble to find the ingredients for their elusive bean burger was both amusing and a little awkward. They even had a laugh at my expense for daring to go meat-free. But to their credit, once we got chatting, they mentioned they were actually thinking of reviewing their menu to include more vegan options! It’s nice to know that even small choices like this can spark a bit of change—and hey, I got my bean burger in the end, which was surprisingly decent.

Who knows? Maybe next time they’ll have more to offer!

Day 15 – Zumba and a New Routine

Halfway there!! Not a food post today, but definitely an achievement! With all this healthy eating and feeling so much better for it, I’ve been inspired to step up my exercise game—from zero to… well, let’s aim for hero!

Exercise and I have never exactly been best friends. I’ve always struggled to find something I genuinely enjoy, and as we all know, consistency is key—you’re never going to stick with it if you don’t love it. But then, something caught my eye on social media: Zumba!

I’ll admit, I thought Zumba was a thing of the past, but after a little digging, I found it’s alive and well, with some fantastic online platforms offering classes. Since I don’t have time for in-person sessions, 6:30 a.m. in my front room is going to have to do! I’ve signed up, and I’m genuinely excited to start my day dancing!

It’s amazing how this way of living has had such a ripple effect on my life. What started as a month of plant-based eating has now inspired me to move more, try new things, and embrace healthier habits overall. Who knows where this journey will take me next?

Day 18 – Cooking Up a Lentil Curry

I guess its about time I actually talk about something I have cooked!! Cooking new dishes isn’t something I do often (I tend to stick to what I know), but this one looked like something I wanted to give a go!

Armed with a recipe I found online and a pile of spices, I set to work. Chopping onions, garlic, and ginger, sautéing spices until the kitchen smelled incredible—it was all a bit of a faff compared to my usual quick dinners, but so worth it. I even managed to sneak in some extra veg—carrots, spinach, and a handful of tomatoes for good measure.

The result? A warm, hearty bowl of comfort food that even the family gave a thumbs-up to (after a bit of initial scepticism, of course). It was satisfying, packed with flavour, and surprisingly filling.

I’m realising that plant-based eating isn’t about sacrifice—it’s about creativity and discovering just how versatile simple ingredients like lentils can be. Now the question is, what do I cook next?


Day 23 – Our fashionably late Christmas Party!

Since December was a whirlwind for MM-Eye, we saved our Christmas party for January—something to look forward to… in theory. But a vegan night out? That felt like a challenge. Or so I thought!

The day kicked off with our AGM, where one of the team had kindly organised snacks—mainly biscuits (cue the envy), but to my delight, she’d also hunted down some vegan salted crackers. Not exactly an easy find, but they were delicious! She wasn’t the only one looking out for me—lunch rolled around, and I was treated to a No Chicken & Chorizo sandwich, a plant-based sausage roll, and even some vegan chocolate. Safe to say, I felt very loved (even if there was some light-hearted teasing along the way).

Next up: Social Darts! If you’ve never tried it, you absolutely should—it’s brilliant fun! And, against all odds, we made it through without any injuries!

Then came dinner—the moment I’d been dreading. Burgers, fish and chips, sausage and mash… animal products everywhere. But to my surprise, my lentil and aubergine curry with flatbread was an absolute winner. So much so that I even skipped dessert (who am I?).

All in all, a cracking night, and I stuck to my vegan journey. Success!

Day 31 – The Final Chapter!

Well, I did it—31 days of Veganuary! It’s been a challenge, but honestly, I’ve enjoyed it far more than I expected. I’ve discovered new foods, tried new recipes, and realised that plant-based eating isn’t as daunting as I once thought.

That said… I need eggs and honey in my life. There are just some things I can’t give up! But I’ll definitely be carrying on with regular vegan days and making more mindful choices going forward.

Beyond the food, this month has left me feeling lighter, more motivated, and with a real appreciation for why so many people choose this lifestyle. In fact, I’ve been so inspired that I’ve signed up for Trek26 with the Alzheimer’s Society—a challenge I probably wouldn’t have considered before!

So, while I won’t be going fully vegan, this journey has changed the way I think about food, health, and even pushing myself outside my comfort zone. Who knows what’s next? But for now—bring on the eggs!

At MM-Eye, our culture isn’t just about what we do—it’s about how we do it, and it’s great to be part of a team that encourages people to live their values in a way that works for them. If you’d like to learn more about our culture and how we put our values into action, get in touch at info@mm-eye.com or use the form below to book a consultation.

Two Years of Employee Ownership: A Reflection

Two Years of Employee Ownership: A Reflection

Two Years of Employee Ownership: A Reflection

January 2025, by MM-Eye

A year ago, we celebrated our first anniversary as an employee-owned company. Since then, it’s been a whirlwind of change and growth, and we’re excited to reflect on our journey and share what we’ve learned. At our most recent AGM Partners meeting, we discussed the changes that have occurred in the last year and shared thoughts and feelings about being employee-owners of the business.

One of the most significant changes we’ve experienced is deepening our ownership culture. Our Partner Council has become and crucial part of our decision-making process, ensuring that every partner’s voice is heard. We’ve seen firsthand how our collective input can shape the future of our company.

We’ve also made strides in financial transparency. By providing regular updates and fostering open dialogue, we’ve continued to empower our partners to make informed decisions about the company’s direction. This increased transparency has fostered a greater sense of responsibility.

Our colleague, Blessing, joined us 7 months ago. Her experiences since joining MM-Eye highlight some of the benefits of working as an individual in an employee-owned business.

Blessing says, “Personally, I’ve found that working for an employee-owned company has been incredibly rewarding. I feel more invested in my work and more motivated to contribute to the company’s success. It’s also great to feel that my voice matters and we’re listened to. I’m proud to be part of a team that is committed to doing the right thing, both for our clients and for each other.

Additionally, the company’s commitment to personal development plans has allowed me to grow professionally and personally since I joined which I look forward to building on.”

As we look to the future, we’re excited to continue growing our success as a company. We’re committed to creating a workplace where everyone feels valued and empowered. If you are considering employee ownership for your business, we encourage you to reach out to us. We’re happy to share our experiences and talk more about how we got to where we are, contact us at info@mm-eye.com or use the form below to book a consultation.

What You Knew About Consumers Yesterday Won’t Work Today

What You Knew About Consumers Yesterday Won’t Work Today

Why Market Research is More Important Than Ever

January 2025, by MM-Eye

In the current social and political climate where ideologies shift rapidly and consumer expectations evolve at an unprecedented pace, relying on yesterday’s knowledge to guide today’s decisions is no longer an option. The landscape of consumer behaviour is constantly being reshaped by cultural, economic, and political changes, making adaptability essential for businesses. This is where market research becomes invaluable.

The Changing Face of Consumer Behaviour

Consumers today are more informed, connected, and value-driven than ever before. Trends that were once considered niche can gain traction overnight, thanks to social media and global connectivity. Political developments, economic uncertainties, and cultural movements all influence consumer attitudes and choices in ways that can be difficult to predict.

The rise of progressive movements has amplified consumer interest in sustainability, inclusivity, and ethical sourcing. These shifts are driving demand for brands to be transparent, socially responsible, and aligned with values that champion equity and environmental stewardship.

At the same time, there has been a rise in more conservative voices influencing consumer behaviour. This includes increased interest in supporting locally made products, traditional values, and resistance to perceived “corporate virtue signalling.” Brands need to navigate these opposing forces carefully, ensuring their messaging connect without alienating key audience segments.

The Role of Market Research

Market research is about more than gathering data it is about understanding the “why” behind consumer actions and understanding opportunities to connect with them meaningfully. Research helps businesses:

  1. Stay Relevant by identifying emerging trends and shifts in behaviour. With these insights, brands can adapt their strategies to meet the evolving needs of their audience, ensuring they remain connected to what matters most.
  2.  Anticipate Change by understanding how political and cultural movements lead to significant shifts in consumer preferences. Analysing these changes in real time helps businesses prepare accordingly and respond proactively.
  3.  Avoid Missteps in today’s value-driven marketplace, where brands are scrutinised more than ever. Market research provides a deeper understanding of consumer sensitivities, helping businesses avoid misaligned messaging or actions that could harm their reputation.
  4. Uncover Opportunities by highlighting areas for growth and innovation. Research enables businesses to stay ahead of the curve and capitalise on new developments in the market.
  5. Develop Targeted Approaches by providing insights that resonate with specific audience segments. This ensures that messaging and products are more effective, building stronger connections with consumers.

Why It Matters Now

The rapid pace of change in consumer beliefs and ideas means the insights you relied on last year—or even last month—may no longer be applicable. Global events, from the increased focus on climate change to the prominence of diverse political voices, have profoundly shaped consumer priorities. Some consumers now demand greater transparency and ethical accountability from brands, while others prioritise affordability, tradition, or local sourcing.

Businesses need to maintain a pulse on their audience to navigate this dynamic environment effectively. Market research provides the foundation for this understanding, offering the clarity needed to make informed, strategic decisions.

Guessing what your consumers want is no longer an option. The brands that thrive are those that invest in understanding their audience through robust market research. At MM-Eye, we specialise in helping businesses decode these shifts, offering insights that drive smarter decisions and more meaningful connections.

If you’re ready to stay ahead of the curve and better understand your consumers, contact us at info@mm-eye.com or use the form below to book a consultation.

The Rise of Sustainable Fitness Wear: Trends and Innovations for a Healthier Planet

The Rise of Sustainable Fitness Wear: Trends and Innovations for a Healthier Planet

The Rise of Sustainable Fitness Wear: Trends and Innovations for a Healthier Planet

January 2025, by Blessing Olaoye

The fitness industry has seen remarkable growth in recent years, likewise, so has the fitness wear industry – largely fuelled by a global focus on health and wellness across social platforms. However, this rise in popularity has resulted in an environmental cost, whereby conventional fitness wear is often made from petroleum-based synthetic materials, therefore contributing to pollution, microplastic release, and excessive waste. The good news is that a wave of sustainability is transforming the fitness world. Understanding consumer demand for sustainability is at the heart of what we do here at MM-Eye, and it’s clear that the fitness wear industry is experiencing a shift. We are seeing a rise in eco-conscious brands adopting innovative strategies in response to these growing

Let’s explore some of the current trends in the fitness wear industry that are shaping the industry’s future regarding sustainability.

Eco-Friendly Materials

One of the most significant sustainability trends in the fitness wear industry is the use of eco-friendly materials. Brands have started moving away from conventional synthetic fabrics like polyester and nylon, opting for more sustainable alternatives. Organic cotton, cultivated without harmful pesticides and fertilisers, is a popular choice for its reduced environmental impact and comfortable feel. Recycled polyester is also another popular choice, created from post-consumer plastic bottles, thus diverting waste from landfills and lessening our reliance on virgin polyester production. Some brands are even going further to utilise fabrics derived from ocean plastics, which offers a solution to marine pollution while providing high-performance fitness wear.

Sustainable Brands Leading the Way

An increasing number of brands have committed to sustainable practices throughout their supply chain. Patagonia, best known for their long-standing commitment to environmental responsibility, offers a wide range of durable and ethically sourced and produced activewear. Another brand is Girlfriend Collective, which focuses on inclusivity and body positivity while utilising recycled materials in their stylish activewear. Other mentionable brands include Pact and Everlane, each with their own unique approach to sustainability. For these brands, transparency, ethical sourcing, and fair labour practices are their utmost priority.

Circular Economy Initiatives

You may have come across the concept of a circular economy among your favourite clothing brands, it’s also gaining momentum in the fitness wear industry. ON Running’s Cyclon program offers a fully recyclable shoe subscription service which allows customers to return their shoes for recycling after use. Adidas has also committed to using 100% recycled polyester by 2024, while Nike’s Move to Zero initiative focuses on reducing waste and carbon emissions. These initiatives demonstrate how committed these brands are to shifting towards a more responsible and sustainable approach to production and encouraging sustainable consumption by consumers.

Consumer Attitudes and Preferences

Consumer attitudes towards sustainable fitness wear are also shifting rapidly as more consumers become more aware of the environmental and social impact of their fashion choices. Studies have shown that a significant portion of consumers are willing to pay more for sustainable activewear. This growing awareness and willingness to invest in sustainable alternatives is evidence of the change in consumer values and priorities. As consumers become increasingly concerned about the environmental impact of their fashion purchase decisions, they are looking for brands that are transparent about their practices and committed to reducing their environmental footprint. Thus, factors such as the use of more eco-friendly materials, ethical sourcing and reduced waste are becoming more important in consumer choices. Here at MM-Eye, we have seen firsthand through our Say Do Sustainability Study (SDSS) that consumers are increasingly looking for businesses to make moves towards more sustainable operations. They expect brands to offer eco-friendly products and to openly demonstrate their commitment to sustainable practices.

The shift towards sustainable fitness wear is a movement driven by consumer demand, innovative brands and technological advancements. For most, if not all brands, understanding the consumer perspective on sustainability is important for staying relevant and competitive and can present an opportunity to build trust and loyalty with your consumers.

If you’re interested in learning more about how understanding consumer sustainability expectations can benefit your business, contact us today at info@mm-eye.com or use the form below to book a consultation.

Optimising Christmas Retail with AI Solutions

Optimising Christmas Retail with  AI Solutions

Optimising Christmas Retail: AI Solutions for Demand and Sustainability

December 2024, by Vitalija Narstyte

As the festive season approaches, UK retailers prepare for the year’s busiest shopping period. The Christmas season is a time of joy for consumers and a critical period for retailers, with sales often making up a sizeable portion of their annual revenue. Accurate demand forecasting during this time is essential to meeting customer expectations, managing inventory efficiently, and maximising profits. AI solutions are transforming how retailers predict and respond to consumer demand.

The High Stakes of Christmas Retail

December sales can account for up to 20% of a UK retailer’s annual turnover. Misjudging demand risks empty shelves and lost sales and results in overstocking, which has significant financial and sustainability implications. Excess stock often leads to markdowns, wastage, or disposal, contributing to economic losses and environmental harm. Disposing unsold goods increases landfill waste and undermines retailers’ efforts to align with consumer demand for sustainable practices. Traditional forecasting methods, relying heavily on historical sales data and manual adjustments, often fail to address these dual pressures, especially in the face of rapidly changing consumer behaviours and external factors.

Using AI in Managing the Christmas Rush

AI has transformed demand forecasting, offering retailers powerful tools to manage the complexities of the Christmas shopping season. By leveraging machine learning algorithms and big data analytics, AI enables businesses to process vast information from various sources, leading to more precise and insightful predictions.

One key application of AI is analysing historical sales data, uncovering patterns and trends that would be difficult to detect manually. Social media platforms like Twitter and Instagram provide another valuable resource, offering insights into trending or viral products. Economic indicators, including employment rates and consumer confidence indexes, help predict purchasing power, while weather forecasts can significantly influence seasonal buying behaviours, especially for industries like fashion and food.

Several prominent UK retailers have showcased the transformative potential of AI in demand forecasting. For instance, Tesco employs AI to analyse customer data and anticipate product demand, effectively addressing stock shortages and overstocking issues. Similarly, ASOS uses machine learning to predict fashion trends, ensuring the right products are available at the right time. Meanwhile, John Lewis Partnership has integrated AI into its supply chain, leading to improved accuracy in demand forecasting and better product availability during peak shopping periods.

These innovations have yielded significant benefits, including increased sales, reduced operational costs, and enhanced customer experiences.

Challenges and Considerations

Despite its advantages, the adoption of AI in demand forecasting is not without challenges. The effectiveness of AI systems hinges on the quality of the data they process; inaccurate or incomplete data can lead to unreliable forecasts. Additionally, integrating AI technologies requires considerable investment in infrastructure and skilled personnel, which can be a barrier for some retailers.

Data privacy also presents a critical concern. With regulations like the GDPR, businesses must handle customer data responsibly and comply with legal requirements. Addressing these challenges is essential for retailers looking to harness the potential of AI while fully maintaining customer trust.

As more retailers adopt these technologies and navigate the associated challenges, AI will continue to play a pivotal role in shaping the future of retail during the festive season and beyond.

How can MM-Eye help?

At MM-Eye, we leverage our expertise in AI to help businesses across industries meet their operational and sustainability goals. For example, our work with Burger & Lobster focused on harnessing data to anticipate energy demands, reduce waste, cut costs, and support their sustainability goals. Similarly, our AI-driven demand forecasting solutions can empower other businesses to analyse vast datasets to predict customer demand accurately.

MM-Eye’s advanced AI solutions analyse historical sales data, consumer behaviour patterns and external factors such as weather to deliver precise demand forecasts. This enables retailers to stock the right products at the right time, ensuring shelves are filled with what customers want while minimising the risk of overstocking.

Our AI tools can enhance operational decision-making beyond inventory. Businesses can better allocate staff during peak periods by predicting customer traffic and sales volumes, ensuring smooth operations. AI-driven insights can inform dynamic pricing strategies, allowing retailers to adjust prices based on demand patterns. These capabilities ensure retailers stay competitive and maximise revenue during the festive season.

Contact us today at info@mm-eye.com (or use the form below to book a consultation) to explore how our AI solutions can transform your demand forecasting strategy and prepare you for a successful festive season and beyond.



The Power of Ethnographic Research

The Power of Ethnographic Research

The Power of Ethnographic Research

December 2024, by MM-Eye

At MM-Eye, we spend a lot of time helping our clients truly understand the needs and behaviours of real consumers. While quantitative and traditional research methods remain essential, they don’t always capture the full picture of how people live, interact with products, or make decisions in the context of their daily lives. Ethnographic research is a powerful methodology that provides brands with deeper, more actionable insights.

This year, we have had the privilege of conducting in-home visits across the globe, observing consumers in their natural environments. Our travels inadvertently led to some interesting sustainability observations from the MD, which you can read about here: Why get so hung up about hotel towels? – MM-Eye

Our work this year has reinforced ethnography’s unique value in understanding the “why” behind consumer behaviours. Here, we will explore why ethnographic research is an important tool and how it can help your brand achieve its objectives.

What is Ethnographic Research?

Ethnographic research involves observing and interacting with consumers in their everyday environments, whether that’s their homes, workplaces, or local communities. Unlike surveys or focus groups, which rely on reported behaviour, ethnography offers a window into real-life actions and decision-making processes. This allows researchers to capture unspoken needs, cultural nuances, and contextual factors that influence consumer behaviour.

For example, ethnographic research can provide valuable insights into how home infrastructure supports or challenges the transition to electric vehicles. By spending time in consumers’ homes, researchers can see how factors like access to charging stations, energy management habits, or parking limitations influence decisions. This real-world perspective helps brands identify barriers and opportunities that traditional methods might overlook, guiding the development of tailored solutions for consumers navigating this shift.

Why Ethnographic Research Matters

Understanding the “Why” Behind Consumer Behaviour
While surveys can tell you what consumers think and traditional research can tell you how they behave, ethnographic research answers the question of “why.” By seeing how people use products in their natural environments, brands gain an understanding of the motivations, habits, and emotional drivers behind their choices.

Capturing Contextual Insights
Ethnography is great at understanding the influence of context on consumer behaviour. For instance, a consumer might answer a survey saying they prefer eco-friendly products, but observing their home may reveal barriers like the lack of convenient recycling solutions or competing priorities such as affordability. These insights provide richer, more nuanced data that brands can act on.

Innovating with Empathy
When brands understand the lived realities of their consumers, they are better equipped to develop products, services, and campaigns that resonate emotionally. Ethnographic research helps companies innovate with empathy, ensuring solutions align with real-world consumer needs.

Gaining a Competitive Edge
In a crowded marketplace, standing out requires deep consumer understanding. Ethnography provides the type of granular insights that can differentiate a brand. Whether it’s identifying unmet needs, uncovering latent desires, or gaining cultural understanding, this methodology can offer a distinct advantage over competitors relying solely on traditional methods.

How MM-Eye Brings Ethnographic Research to Life

At MM-Eye, we combine ethnographic research with our other methodologies to deliver well-rounded insights tailored to your business objectives. We ensure that the data collected through ethnographic research is robust and reliable. Combining this with our quantitative expertise and quality control measures (read more about how we fight bots in research: Are Bots Ruining Your Surveys? Here’s How We Catch Them! – MM-Eye), we create a holistic view of consumer behaviour that is both accurate and actionable.

Ethnographic research offers unique insights for brands looking to innovate or connect with their audience on a deeper level. Understanding the context in which consumers live, work, and make decisions allows you to develop solutions that are relevant, impactful, and aligned with real-world needs.

At MM-Eye, we pride ourselves on delivering insights that drive positive change. Whether through ethnography, surveys, or tailored research studies, we provide our clients with the tools they need to understand their consumers fully and make informed decisions.

Ethnographic research allows us to step into consumers’ worlds and understand their lives through their eyes and by integrating it into your strategy, you can realise the motivations, barriers, and opportunities that drive consumer behaviour, creating a foundation for better products, services, and campaigns.

If you’re ready to explore the power of ethnographic research and see how it can benefit your business, contact us today at info@mm-eye.com or use the form below to book a consultation.


World Toilet Day 2024: Why does it matter?

World Toilet Day 2024: Why does it matter?

World Toilet Day 2024: Why does it matter?

November 2024, by Nicola Church

World Toilet Day is held every year on 19 November to celebrate toilets and raise awareness of people living without access to safely managed sanitation. Toilets are an essential space at the centre of our lives and should be safe, secure and available to all. Yet, 3.5 billion people worldwide still live without safely managed sanitation, and 2.2 billion people live without safely managed drinking water.

When a challenge is this big, it can be hard to see how we can have an impact, but as companies, organisations, governments, and even individuals, we can all manage our water sustainably and contribute towards making a difference.

In our latest Say Do Sustainability Study (SDSS), we saw that though consumers recognise that it is important to take personal initiatives to live sustainably, the impact of their actions is significantly increased when supported by bigger, coordinated efforts. A united approach where community projects, government policies, and corporate responsibility all converge to enhance the impact of individual actions. World Toilet Day presents a platform on which to begin this journey and state your organisation’s commitment to drive change.

How can MM-Eye help?

At MM-Eye, we specialise in conducting materiality assessments that go beyond the basics, helping companies develop effective ESG strategies. We gather insights from a wide range of stakeholders, including customers, employees, and suppliers, to understand the issues that are most important to them, allowing you to focus efforts on areas that will have the most impact, both in terms of business performance and social responsibility.

Our model for conducting materiality assessments is designed to engage with consumers and stakeholders, providing a holistic view of what matters most. We use our strong experience in market research to gather qualitative and quantitative data, ensuring that the insights we deliver are actionable and aligned with your strategic goals.

The model is rooted in deep consumer and stakeholder understanding. We dig deeper to expose the underlying motivations and concerns that drive stakeholder behaviour. This allows us to provide you with a clear roadmap for integrating sustainability into your business strategy in a way that resonates with your audience and adds value to your brand.

Whether you’re just starting your sustainability journey or looking to refine your existing strategy, MM-Eye can help you identify the issues that matter most to your business and its stakeholders so you can make informed decisions that enhance your sustainability performance, strengthen stakeholder relationships, and drive long-term success.

If you’re interested in learning more about how we can help you to set up and benefit from a Materiality Assessment, contact us today at info@mm-eye.com or use the form below to book a consultation.


Could esports become the next mainstream sport?

Could esports become the next mainstream sport?

Could Esports Become The Next Mainstream Sport?

November 2024, by Matias Van der Heijden


As we come to the end of the year, one of the final and largest esports events in the world has gone. The League of Legends worlds championship took place over the last month, spanning from the 25th of September – to the 2nd of November. It was a painful watch for many (including me), seeing a lot of people’s favourite teams going out early, but the ending was sweet, seeing the Greatest Of All Time, Faker, winning his 5th Trophy.

Every year, the world’s final seems to break new viewership records, with this year being no exception. The finals drew in 6.9 million live viewers across the world (excluding China) and brought in over 190 million hours of watch time across the tournament. With the finalists being both Korean and Chinese, the viewership from these countries was incredibly high. China doesn’t release viewership statistics, but my friend in China visited a nightclub that projected on the wall at 5 AM that it was the League of Legends World’s final (I can’t imagine this was the best viewing experience, though). At MM-Eye, we believe that understanding the consumer’s interest in emerging events like these is important for businesses looking to tap into new markets or adapt to changing trends. Our consumer research tools allow us to track how public perception is shifting toward esports, moving beyond the typical gaming audience and inching into the mainstream consciousness. The surge in viewership, the sold-out arenas, and the significant economic impact are strong indicators of changing consumer behaviour.

Many esports have done well through the years, notably, the Fortnite World Cup back in 2019, which brought in 2.3 million peak viewers. However, viewership has been noticeably dropping over the last few years, now at 809,000 peak viewers. League of Legends, however, has managed to maintain its standing at the pinnacle of viewership. Year after year, it comes back the most viewed and breaks its own records for most viewed esports events. For brands and companies trying to understand the impact and relevance of esports, these statistics can’t be ignored. Our custom market studies help explain how and why these trends are happening. Businesses can use these insights to craft advertising strategies, sponsorships, and partnerships that connect with this engaged and growing audience.

In person, the event was incredibly well organised, and it was impressive to see the turnout and management at an event that’s the size of a large sporting arena. With the event I was visiting being hosted at the Adidas arena in Paris, it was certainly sizeable but not quite the size of the finals that were hosted in London at the O2 arena.

As an in-person viewer, my experience was great, and I managed to enjoy the event along with countless other fans. Enjoying a multitude of incredible moments, watching the pros walk onto the stage, watching Bin throw his jacket into the crowd, sitting behind Faker himself and getting a splitting headache trying to track what he’s doing on his screen.

The viewership online was incredible, but with this being such a popular event, being held in the O2 this year. The finals tickets were nearly impossible to get your hands on. Causing Riot Games, the event organisers attempted to resolve these issues by forcing you to sign up for the ticket release through a code from an account that had been actively playing the game.

While these efforts show a move toward more consumer-centric solutions, the challenges highlighted by the ticketing issues reveal how much more brands can learn about their audiences. At MM-Eye, we understand that the consumer experience is more than just attending an event; it’s the journey leading up to it. Our research indicates that consumer sentiment around fairness and accessibility can impact brand loyalty, and these experiences often shape public perception long after the event is over.

Aside from the ticket issues, the event seems to have been an overwhelming success for both esports and the economy. Sadiq Khan stated on X: “The Capital will welcome gamers and fans across the globe, boosting our economy by £12m and showing that London is a leading destination for esports”.

Overall, this event was a massive success and I’m sure that the fans, the organisers and many more are happy with what it brought. However, understanding what the general public thinks about esports as a whole adds a fundamental layer of insight. At MM-Eye, we know that examining the perception of emerging industries, such as esports, is important for brands looking to align with evolving consumer attitudes.

It’s always interesting to look into an industry that seems to be growing. Our insights indicate that consumer perception can significantly impact an industry’s trajectory. Understanding how different demographics view esports can provide valuable opportunities for brands to position themselves within this rapidly growing space. With this tournament breaking viewership records, selling out arenas, and boosting the British economy, it’s worth examining whether esports is on the cusp of becoming mainstream entertainment or if it remains niche.

At MM-Eye, we’re committed to helping brands understand evolving consumer attitudes, whether it’s through traditional market analysis or deeper dives into new industries like esports. If you’re interested in leveraging our insights for your industry or exploring how public sentiment can shape your business strategy, contact us at info@mm-eye.com or use the form below to book a consultation.


The Explosive Truth About Fireworks

The Explosive Truth About Fireworks

The Explosive Truth About Fireworks: What Consumers Are Demanding from Brands on Sustainability

November 2024, by Katie Brown

Fireworks have been a part of celebrations for centuries, lighting up the night sky with their vibrant colours and thrilling explosions. But as environmental concerns continue to grow, it’s important to ask: are fireworks sustainable?  By looking at the following areas: Material, Method, Environmental Impact, and Innovation—we can take a closer look at the sustainability of fireworks and explore what greener alternatives might look like in the future.

What Are Fireworks Made Of?

Traditional fireworks are made using a combination of chemicals and metals that produce the colourful effects we see. Metals like barium, copper, and strontium are responsible for the colours, but they also release harmful pollutants into the environment when fireworks explode. These chemicals can contaminate the air and water, posing risks to human health and ecosystems. In recent years, there has been some progress in developing “eco-friendly” fireworks, which use fewer toxic compounds. However, these alternatives are still in their early stages and haven’t yet been widely adopted.

From a consumer standpoint, this is increasingly concerning. Our Say Do Sustainability Study (SDSS) at MM-Eye has shown that more consumers are paying attention to the ecological impact of their entertainment choices and demanding greater transparency and innovation from companies that produce celebratory goods. This growing awareness has even led some communities to reconsider traditional fireworks displays in favour of more eco-friendly alternatives.

Manufacturing and Transportation: The Hidden Costs

The way fireworks are manufactured and transported also plays a role in their sustainability. Production often takes place in countries where safety and environmental regulations are less strict, and workers are exposed to hazardous conditions. The materials used in fireworks are often non-renewable, and transporting them long distances adds to their carbon footprint. To make fireworks more sustainable, manufacturers would need to focus on using safer materials, adopting better waste-reduction practices, and considering local production to cut down on emissions.

SDSS highlighted that consumers are increasingly prioritising brands that demonstrate social and environmental responsibility across their supply chains. Companies in the pyrotechnics industry have an opportunity to communicate how they are improving their manufacturing processes and minimising environmental harm to improve consumer perceptions.

The Environmental Toll of Fireworks

Fireworks have a significant environmental impact, especially when used on a large scale. When fireworks are set off, they release pollutants such as heavy metals, carbon dioxide, and particulate matter into the atmosphere. This is particularly concerning during major events when air quality can take a dramatic hit. Chemicals like perchlorates, used to stabilise the explosives, can also leach into water systems, posing risks to aquatic life and drinking water sources. We also need to think about the effect this has on wildlife and pets, the loud noises and bright flashes disturb animals, causing stress and disorientation. Consumers, particularly pet owners or wildlife enthusiasts, are increasingly vocal about these issues. This growing awareness has sparked a demand for less disruptive and more sustainable alternatives.

Innovations in Green Technology

The future of fireworks may not involve traditional fireworks at all. Innovations like drone light shows and laser displays are starting to emerge as alternatives that offer the same visual excitement without harmful environmental effects. Drone shows, in particular, have been gaining popularity at major events like the Olympics, where hundreds of drones are synchronised to create dazzling patterns and animations in the sky. These technologies, while still expensive, offer a promising alternative to traditional fireworks, and as they evolve, they could become a more accessible option. Consumers are receptive to creative, sustainable alternatives, especially if they offer a similar level of spectacle. As these technologies evolve and become more affordable, we anticipate that consumer demand will continue to push event organisers and municipalities toward these greener options.

Balancing Tradition and Sustainability

Fireworks have deep cultural significance and bring joy to millions of people, but it’s clear that their environmental impact is something we can’t ignore. By looking at fireworks through the MM-Eye lens, we can see that making them more sustainable is about more than just reducing emissions—it’s about rethinking the materials and the manufacturing process and exploring innovative alternatives. Combining eco-friendly materials, careful usage, and exciting new technologies like drones could allow us to enjoy these displays without harming the environment.

Ultimately, making fireworks sustainable will require balancing tradition with responsibility. Consumers are increasingly aware of the environmental trade-offs and are looking for brands and communities to take action. For businesses, this presents both a challenge and an opportunity to align with consumer values.

At MM-Eye, we’re here to help brands understand and respond to these evolving consumer expectations. Our research and insights can guide you in making impactful, data-driven decisions. Whether you’re looking to implement greener practices or enhance your appeal through sustainability, reach out to us at info@mm-eye.com or use the form below to book a consultation. We’d love to discuss how our expertise can benefit your business.